Linux Basic Setup and Configuration to prepare your Linux Box for service rolls. It’s the simplest requirements, yet the most important part of your Linux setup. I seen too many people look at it lightly. I believe, building a successful Linux system is based on how much time you spend at the Initial configuration in order to make your life easy when you deal with more advanced configuration.
Section 1: Installing Linux OS Minimal Server
1:01 Installing Debian Linux OS Minimal Server
1:02 Installing Ubuntu Linux OS Minimal Server
1:03 Installing CentOS Linux OS Minimal Server
Section 2: Post Linux OS Setup Initial Steps
2:01 Understanding Root Account Privileges Methods
2:02 Creating and Adding Local Users to Sudoers List
2:03 Installing Linux Virtual Machine Guest Additions
2:04 Cloning Virtual Machines using VM Snapshot
Section 3: Configuring SSH-Key Based Authentication
Note: At this Section, I’ll start to focus more on Public VPS instances, however, you still can continue and apply the same concept using private VM.
3:01 Understanding SSH-Keys Based Authentication
3:02 Creating SSH-Keys using Putty Keys Generator
3:03 Creating SSH-Keys using Terminal Keys Generator
3:04 Uploading SSH Public Keys using VPS Panel
3:05 Creating Public VPS Droplet using DigitalOcean
3:06 Deploying Public VPS instance using Vultr Provider
3:07 Managing Linux VPS Instance via Putty SSH Client
3:08 Managing Linux VPS Instance via WinSCP Client
3:09 Switching SSH Password to SSH-Keys Authentication
3:10 Uploading Admins and Friends SSH-Keys to VPS
3:11 SSH Hopping using SSH Agent Forwarding
3:12 Securing and Hardening SSH Server Configuration
3:13 SSH Server and Client Most Known Error Messages
Section 4: Linux VM/VPS Fundamental Configuration
4:01 Configuring Local or Public DNS PTR Records
4:02 Debian Based Hostname Plus Network Configuration
4:03 Red Hat Based Hostname Plus Network Configuration
4:04 Red Hat Based Systems Network Manager Text UI
Section 5: Debian VPS Packages and Basic Configuration
5:01 Debian8 VPS Installing Required Packages
5:02 Debian7 VPS Installing Required Packages
Section 6: Ubuntu VPS Packages and Basic Configuration
6:01 Ubuntu16.04 VPS Installing Required Packages
6:02 Ubuntu14.04 VPS Installing Required Packages
6:03 Ubuntu12.04 VPS Installing Required Packages
Section 7: CentOS VPS Packages and Basic Configuration
7:01 CentOS7 VPS Installing Required Packages
7:02 CentOS6 VPS Installing Required Packages
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[quote]Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal. – Henry Ford[/quote]